Ασφαλή Δίκτυα & Συμμόρφωση
Το περιεχόμενο που ταξιδεύει επάνω στα δίκτυα παρουσιάζει πλέον τεράστιο ενδιαφέρον. Το ενδιαφέρον αυτό έχει οδηγήσει μη εξουσιοδοτημένους και κατά κανόνα κακόβουλους χρήστες και ερευνητές στο να προσπαθούν να αποκτήσουν τα στοιχεία αυτά, ως επίσης να προσπαθούν να αποκτήσουν και τον έλεγχο των συστημάτων στο δίκτυο, των εφαρμογών, των database και όποιο άλλο ηλεκτρονικό στοιχείο έχει εκτεθεί/προσφερθεί στο διαδίκτυο.
Η ευφυία των hacker και των εργαλείων που αυτοί χρησιμοποιούν ως επίσης και η ευφυία των συστημάτων προστασίας των δικτύων και των πληροφοριών είναι σε συνεχή ανταγωνισμό.
Ολιγωρίες και εφησυχασμός επιφέρουν κατά κανόνα σημαντικά ρίσκα που μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν υψηλό κόστος.
Τα προς προφύλαξη αντικείμενα στο δίκτυο τα ομαδοποιούμε ως εξής:
Η ασφάλεια των Νέων Δικτύων Υπολογιστών δεν μπορεί πλέον να είναι στατική. Για να μπορεί να προσαρμόζεται συνεχώς στα δεδομένα, πρέπει να είναι Δυναμική.
Το παλιό μοντέλο ασφάλειας με πλήρως προστατευμένα κεντρικά σύστήματα υπολογιστών και με προστατευμένη περίμετρο (υποκαταστημάτων, συνεργατών κλπ) αποτελεί πλέον παρελθόν. Με το σύστημα αυτό – CASTLE MODEL- δεν μπορούν να προστατευτούν εύκολα και με προσιτό κόστος νέες ανάγκες που περιλαμβάνουν υποδομές όπως CLOUD, Mobility, BYOD, κ.α.
Το νέο μοντέλο ασφάλειας είναι πολύ-επίπεδο, λαμβάνει υπόψη ιδεατές (Virtual) υποδομές, μπορεί να ταυτοποιήσει εφαρμογές και χρήστες και να τους εξυπηρετήσει ανάλογα με την δικαιοδοσία τους, με τον τύπο της συσκευής τους, με την γεωγραφική θέση που βρίσκονται κλπ – HOTEL MODEL.
Η United-Telecom προσφέρει ειδικευμένες λύσεις για τις ανάγκες ασφάλειας στο δίκτυό σας ως επίσης και για ανάγκες συμμόρφωσης με κανονισμούς και νόμους που επιβάλλονται από κρατικές Αρχές και επαγγελματικές ενώσεις.
As enterprises adopt cloud apps across virtually every business function, integration across apps is critical. App vendors have built ecosystems solution that enable enterprises to execute business more efficiently, facilitate important workflows, and make better decisions. The statement “The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts” describes the paradigm well. This has given rise to ecosystems, or groups of satellite cloud apps that orbit popular “anchor tenant” apps.
Each of these anchor tenant apps has hundreds of ecosystem partners. For example, we observe active usage of an average 28 Box, 20 Dropbox, 19 Google Apps, and 26 Salesforce ecosystem apps.
Organizations that are concerned about protecting sensitive data in the cloud need to go beyond securing the anchor tenant Apps and incorporate those apps’ ecosystems into their cloud app monitoring and policy regimens.
When our solutions for threat management and managed security technologies are bundled, they provide a comprehensive and highly scalable security functionality that delivers exceptional value to our customers. Exceptional, comprehensive functionality includes integrated security policy, network and device level management, virtualization of zones, routers, LANs and systems, and advanced access management and endpoint security.
Τέτοιες λύσεις είναι:
· UTM - Unified Threat Management |
The Juniper Networks® SRX Services Gateways for Data-Centers are next-generation intelligent security platforms that deliver outstanding protection, market-leading performance, six nines reliability and availability, scalability, and services integration. These devices are ideally suited for service provider, large enterprise, and public sector networks, Cloud and hosting providers, Managed service providers. |
Juniper vSRX: Advanced Security Features
UTM - Unified Threat Management
Your Benefits: • Comprehensive, all-in-one, layered security solution
AppSecure is a complete suite of Next-Gen (NG) Networking capabilities which can identify and match applications and users and combine them as per predefined policies, can record and report fully on the usage of the network, can support decisions on secure and access policies in order to protect the integrity of the corporate data as well as the networking investments, can impose priorities according to QoS requirements of specific applications, like Voice over the IP network. With this, You will be able to hinder misuse and damages due to internal shortcomings in security matters, which are quite difficult to detect and prevent otherwise. |
JUNOS SPACE SECURITY DIRECTOR Juniper Networks® Junos® Space Security Director is an application on the Junos Space Network Management Platform, providing extensive security scale, granular policy control, and policy breadth across the network by implementing security policy management for both physical and virtual firewalls (Juniper’s Networks SRX Series Services Gateways as well as vSRX’s). It helps administrators quickly manage all phases of the security policy life cycle for stateful firewall, unified threat management (UTM), intrusion prevention system (IPS), application firewall (AppFW), VPN, and Network Address Translation (NAT) through a centralized web-based interface through an intuitive, centralized web-based interface that offers enforcement across emerging and traditional risk vectors.
Key features and benefits include:
The Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) solution of Juniper Networks provides a central console for centralized control, which integrates a series of functions for the management and analysis of network behavior. The SIEM system will help enterprises lower the cost of network management as well as improve on it’s effectiveness and performance. It will also help in establishing the necessary level of security in the network and to monitor security events.
Meeting PCI Standards with JSA Security Analytics
Rich Access Privilege Management Capabilities When users log into the Pulse Connect Secure, they pass through a pre-authentication assessment and are then dynamically mapped to the session role that combines established network, device, identity, and session policy settings. Users have access only to those resources that are deemed necessary for that session, according to administrator-defined policies.
Integrated SSL-VPN, Access Control, and MDM
· Secure Remote connectivity
Your organization is adopting cloud apps in a big way, and for good reason — these apps help people get their jobs done more quickly, easily, and flexibly than traditional software. But if you can’t manage people’s access or enforce usage policies, it’s hard for you to really embrace those apps .
Netskope, with specific enterprise-grade ID-management services for cloud, mobile and interconnected businesses, provides an integrated solution that enables you to manage your cloud apps in a closed-loop manner, bring all of your cloud apps into your identity management fold, and ensure consistent cloud app security and compliance. One such cloud-based Identity Management Service is the Okta identity management service, which integrates with existing directories and identity systems, as well as thousands of on-premises, cloud-based and mobile applications, to enable IT to securely manage access anywhere, anytime and from any device.
Netskope & Okta Safe ID-Management for Cloud APP's
Netskope & PING Safe ID-Management for Cloud APP's
10 MUST-Haves for a Cloud APP Policy How to talk to Your Board about the Cloud
Secure Access to the Virtual DataCenter
integrate SECURITY by DESIGN to Your Computer Network
And many more special - purpose solutions.