Virtualization & CLOUD
As IT organizations embrace server virtualization and move to the cloud, the changes they make might begin on legacy networks but will eventually require transformational change. In the new data center, IT infrastructure will need to be globally resilient, delivered via cloud services or by IT from multiple data centers. The data center network will be optimized for east-west traffic, and VMs will be able to move around based on demand, or there will be one VM per app on shared physical compute.
Virtualized storage and master data initiatives will dictate common pools of data available to all applications. Data will be physically connected to every app, with access governed by policy. And a pool of network and security services will be available to all traffic flows, combined with firewall services built to gain visibility and security for VM-to-VM traffic without constraining app performance or compute efficiencies.
This is the promise of the new network as we move from legacy systems to the efficiencies of the cloud.
Real DataCenter Security Never Forgets a Virtualized Machine.
CLOUD is "The Infrastructure Evolution Imperative"
Virtualization is evolving from a cost-cutting tool in the IT domain, to a tool which makes it possible to generate new enterprise applications which provide speed, flexibility and adaptability to a changing business and market environment.
Just like with changes in application, compute, and storage, infrastructure architects expect to get better economics and more agility, efficiency, and performance for their infrastructure investments. Cloud and virtualization technologies are driving the first major change in data center network architectures in 20 years. This means the number of options from the incumbent established vendors and start-ups is exploding, while the gravity of the decisions data center architects and network engineers need to make dictate the future capabilities of their data center operations.
Managing IT Agility:
Choosing data center network architectures, and the software and hardware that enable those architectures, has become a critical task. And there are a number of challenges that come with the scale of the environment, the capacity and speeds of server and storage equipment, and future growth needs. There are two architectural options for data centers that seek to optimize the network for virtualized compute, distributed applications, and scale-out needs such as big data clusters. The best option would be indicated based on the scale and capacity of the environment.
Managing Security:
The quandary for any security architecture is how to reduce risk without inhibiting the agility of the business, while at the same time ensuring that the costs of security don’t increase faster than the growth in the types of threats that need to be mitigated. With products like virtual gateways, data center managers gain visibility and the tools needed to enforce both physical and virtual flows, and they can create secure zones that can be enforced on all flows in a mixed traditional and VMware environment.
Simplifying the Network:
Data center managers don’t just want a status quo network, or a cheap network, they want a high performing network built for a virtualized data center environment. New network architectures can improve application performance, while reducing the network’s footprint and complexity. They can be optimized for server-to-server and server-to-storage traffic, and they also enable the use of network virtualization to replace multiple dedicated data center-to-data center links with fewer wide area connections.
Everything is changing in the DataCenter. Independently if You are moving to the CLOUD, or if You are hosting Your enterprise applications in Virtual Infrastructures, or if You are consolidating Your data-processing infrastructure, the NETWORK is the cornerstone necessary to derive the maximum benefits from Your investments in the DataCenter. |
Accelerate the processes, Eliminate the barriers towards the (Virtualized) DataCenter. Consolidate and combine the enterprise applications, transfer the processing load and improve the adaptability of IT on their path to a DataCenter which will be more ready to move to the CLOUD. |
We are increasing the connectivity, NOT the complexity. Our solutions providing Juniper’s Virtual Chassis and QFABRIC architectures, opens the way to build larger and more efficient private or hybrid CLOUD’s. Applying these technologies we are able to eliminate very effectively unproductive complexities and security threats and at the same time keep low the cost of ownership. |
On their way towards the CLOUD, the Data Centers have changed in all aspects – from the architecture of the Applications to the virtualized servers and the storage facilities. Using Juniper Networks technology, we are offering new networking and security architectures in order to facilitate the elimination of the barriers which stand in the way towards virtualized infrastructure projects and the efforts to move the data infrastructures to the CLOUD. With this, existing investments in networking and security will be able to be transformed in such a way that it will be possible to move them to the CLOUD and integrate them with other facilities already virtualized. At the same time the cost of ownership and operation will be optimized giving way to a revival of the business.
MULTI TENANCY IN THE CLOUD: Excellent Quality for all sizes |
Performance & Security for Your vIrtual environment Applying virtualization concepts for critical applications demands special care in security and compatibility matters in order to protect the virtualized infrastructure from overload of capacity and performance. The Juniper technology we are proposing is based on appropriate security systems for virtualized infrastructures in multi-tenant Clouds and can provide visibility of operations, access control, and protection against known and new developing threats. In short, our Juniper solutions will help You realize more functionalities in Your Data Center in the CLOUD with greater confidence and security. |
The providers of hosting and CLOUD services all over the world are in search of ways and techniques how to generate and offer to their customers data services and application-hosting services in the CLOUD. The networking and security solutions of Juniper for multi-tenant CLOUDs are providing unique characteristics for expandability, straightforward design and security for all sizes. This gives to the Service Providers the ability to provide to their customers high-quality, secure and flexible pricing with superb efficiencies and profitability. |
The NETWORK is today the central infrastructure of all enterprises, which connects all corporate functions and abilities which combined, will support the enterprise reach its business targets and the same time will help the enterprise evolve, develop and apply new and integrated corporate functions, services and products. Only systems with the appropriate security, performance, agility and scalability characteristics can provide the base for developing new modern applications, services and products now and in the future. |